Researches in the year 2012

An Empirical Analysis of the problems and challenges confronting insurance companies in Saudi Arabia Executives perspective
Privatization of public hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
An empirical analysis of the strategies undertaken by insurance companies in Saudi Arabia to enhance customer loyalty and customer retention
An Empirical analysis of the human resource management activities in retail sector: A study of Saudi Arabian companies
An Empirical Analysis of risk perception, remedial measures and behaviour of people in Saud Arabia towards insurance
An Empirical analysis of the product portfolio and employee participation in product development process in insurance companies of Saudi Arabia
Impact of information technology on management control at Al Bashir Hospital: A case study of Jordan
The effect of the quality, price, and perceived value of the product on competence of Jordanian drugs companies
The value proposition concept in marketing: how customers perceive the value delivered by firms – A study of customer perspectives on supermarkets in Southampton in the United Kingdom
The Impact of Electronic Payment on Saudi Banks Profitability: Case Study of SADAD Payment System
Evaluation the Role of Information Technology in Business Value Performance (BVP)
Proposed Application of an Embedded System for Securing VIP’s Offices
Impact of socio-cultural factors on total quality management in higher education services in India
Estimation of rules related to the Disciplinary Punishments for Journalists in the Jordanian Law
Estimation of the legal definitions of the insurance contract -Comparative study for Arab legislations
Judiciary guarantees in labor disputes
The legality of treatment with drugs in the Islamic legislation and the statuary law
The Insurance Interest In the Jordanian Law (comparative study)
Ways to invest patent: a comparative study between the Lebanese law and the Saudi regime 
The impact of market orientation on the overall performance of the private sector hospitals in Saudi Arabia
An Analysis of Scope of Medical Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Last Update
2/26/2013 2:01:09 PM