Sponsered Book

            Dr. Abdalelah S. Saaty

            Book: Insurance Principles and Practices – With Reference to Saudi Arabia

The control of Cooperative Insurance companies regulation, which was enacted as Royal Decree No. M/32 on 1st August 2003 is the first Saudi Arabian legislation regulating insurance.     Since then there has been tremendous changes and development in the field of insurance business. In fact, Saudi Arabian insurance market is considered to be one of the world's most fastest growing 
industries of  the decade thanks mainly to the government patronage and regulatory legislations.

Another major Government milestone is the introduction of Cooperative Health Insurance Act. Royal decree No. M/10 of 13 August, 1999 which make it compulsory for employers to purchase private             health      insurance for their foreign employees and their dependents. This has a huge impact on health insurance market as not only the health insurance business volume increased to manifold but also it  manifested problems of severe nature in terms of scarcity and lack of qualified and skilled manpower.

Therefore, to meet the growing demand of the insurance industry to provide qualified and skilled youth, it is now indispensable that academician play their role in the most positive manner and thus this book is a humble effort and contribution to this effect. 

The purpose of this book is to have a text which is logically developed and easily assimilated. The objective is to bring together in compact, classified form those facts, principles and practices which enable the student to have a comprehensive understanding of the nature of health insurance.

The book will be formed with individual modules providing comprehensive knowledge in the areas of ' history and development of health insurance, government legislations, knowledge of basic principles, knowledge of benefits under health insurance policy, health insurance underwriting and claims handling procedures and process'.

Last Update
2/13/2013 11:03:47 AM