Vice Dean's Word - Girls section



Rabigh Business School has taken confident steps towards the modern future of the prestigious established college, in a message that affirms that authenticity must be passed on from one generation to the next, in accordance with the requirements of the Vision of 2030.

The College of Business at Rabigh played a major role in preparing an entire generation to learn what the knowledge economy is as one of the parts of the economy that relies on access to knowledge in quantity and quality for growth and prosperity, rather than on traditional means of production.

The female students in the College of Business who have decided to enroll there, or are on the threshold of joining it. Your studies will not consist of four years of academic information that will end up colliding with another practical reality, but each of you will be a new link in the system of progression, for renewable and unlimited knowledge is the head of the money in which each of you will invest your effort, time and intelligence. not only that, but also to preserve it without fear of losing it when it is exchanged globally within the system of economic globalization that the world is experiencing.

Every female professor, every lecturer and every instructor in this scientific building has preceded you step by step in any of the departments of the college, has exchanged with you the latest knowledge and has shared this knowledge activity with you without restriction or condition. Which our rational government seeks to achieve.

From this point of view, we strive to narrow the gap between the needs of the labor market and actual production, and between academic sciences, in order to scientifically qualify our students to work in all fields of business. The modern methods of information exchange will not lead to the fact that the economic sectors of all kinds - governmental and private - and their diversity - health, education, transport, communication to the ranks of global sectors, the responsibility is great, and you are academics and students, God willing.


Marwah A. Halwani, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Data Science

Vice Dean of the Collage of Business - Female Division.

College of Business

Rabigh, Saudi Arabia

Last Update
10/16/2021 10:42:20 AM