Rabigh Province

Rabigh is an ancient city on the western coast of the Red Sea. It is located on longitude 39 degree, and latitude 22.48. It is approximately 145 km away from Jeddah towards the north. Rabigh is surrounded by Al-Madina to the north, Jeddah to the south, and Khlais to the east. A national highway passes through the city,  dividing it into a northern and southern half. Its total area is 140,000 sq km, and the population is  about 70,000.

Industrial Firms in Rabigh:

  1. Petrorabigh – Petrochemical Company: it is a corporate of Aramco and a Japanese company for petrochemicals.
  2. Saudi Electricity Company – Rabigh Electricity Station.
  3. Saudi Arabian Cement Company.
  4. King Abdullah Economic City.
  5. Iron factory.
  6. Chinese car manufacturing factory.


It is hot in summer but moderate in winter. The temperature starts rising from April reaching its maximum in July, August and September. It is usually around 35-38o C , but may reach a maximum of 45o C. The weather is usually humid, particularly in summer, with scattered rain throughout the year.

Farming and Marine Fisheries:

Farming is one of the main activities in the region due to the suitable climate, fertile soil and abundance of water. Water is obtained from the following wells:  Alhejria, Othman, Aboud, Abbas Bin Sbaa, Kafeef and Rahma wells. Date palms are widely grown in the area, and several types of dates known as Al-Anbari, Al-Rothana, Al-Motelban and Rabiaa are harvested. Lemon trees are grown under the shade of palms. Cattle and poultry farms together with apiaries are also found. Fisheries are also present, with most people practising fishing either as a vocation or hobby. Big quantities of fish are caught off the coast of Rabigh.


Some handmade products are available in the area, e.g. earthenware crafting of water vessels, and handcrafted material to adorn roofs, windows, doors and furniture. Embroidery and needlework in the clothing industry is a vibrant source of income in Rabigh.

One of the famous old industries still remaining in Rabigh is ship building. It relies on materials found locally, except the large wooden plates which are imported. The ships built are of several types, for example the “Al-Boob” Al-Hory” which carries 3 to 5 tons. These are used in fishing, an industry still thriving in Rabigh. The weaving of palm leaves to make manual fans, brooms, baskets, prayer rugs, mats, ropes and chairs is a popular industry in Rabigh.

Last Update
6/19/2010 10:41:05 PM